Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Another image of the tragedy of war. I'm not too crazy about the subject matter of this one, specifically the soldier, because it feels too kitsch. I think I'll stay away from putting soldiers in these pieces and keep it limited to civilian interactions.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Here is the first piece among my intense physical interaction series in which the context of the painting is that of a strongly emotional nature. The photo I worked from is actually one of the saddest I've ever seen; a young Iraqi boy literally dying in the arms of his mother as she seems to be trying to comfort him (suggested by what appears to be a slight smile on her face), the life in his eyes being replaced by confusion and what could very well be the "light at the end of the tunnel," both covered in his blood. The photographer captured a moment few of us will ever experience. I tried to find out who it is to give credit where credit is due, but couldn't. It is an overwhelming view into the horrors that war brings and I plan to do several drawings/paintings of scenes in which someone is dying in another person's arms because of the sheer power that such an image possesses. I want to clarify that the purpose of these pieces is not to say that I think war needs to be stopped (I think a world without war is impossible), but I want to expose people to something that most of us are otherwise completely disconnected from.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Whenever I set out to color a drawing digitally I tend to lose interest after a couple hours. I think I may actually see THIS one through to the end. It's loosely concerned with power issues between men and women, a theme that I think I may pursue in the coming months. It's going to remain black and white in order to keep things simple and make it easier for me to see this thing through to the end. More progress shots soon to come oy oy oy.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


The animation is going well; I've done 14 of about 50 frames so far. I don't have work for the next two weeks and am a little tired of painting right now (thanks to a stupid experimental piece; many lives were lost), so I should be cranking these mothas out. I think the final product is going to be really interesting.

May 22nd: Up to frame 29.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've been thinking about trying my hand at a simple animation for a while and I decided today is the day. I drew out the background (shown below) and am going to composite myself into the image walking down the hall toward the camera. I'm thinking I'll just keep it a simple line drawing, although maybe I'll add some shading and if I'm feeling really saucy come color, too. I kind of have a feeling that just the linework will be cool enough. Hopefully I have the stamina do get it finished, as I know animation is mad involved. If all goes well, you should see the animation in a few weeks.