Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Subject 002: Z. Cleve

Another zombie portrait. You might be thinking "Zach! GODDAMMIT!!! This guy could be a lot more decomposed and zombiesque. He just kind of looks like a creepy old molester dude behind a plant." I agree with you here, you angry person you. The way I'm thinking about these drawings is as such; most of the zombification takes place in the painting of the piece, where I let the texture of paint determine how the face is decomposed. I'd like to leave the subject in their drawn form still fairly intact, so as to have more information to work from. I don't know how the piece is really going to turn out; maybe the zombie will have their jaw missing; maybe half their face will be blown off; maybe they'll have some disgusting, festering growth coming out of their forehead. That is for the paint to decide. So there you go, feel better now?

Oh and here's "Subject 001: C. Kovacs." Forgot about putting her up:

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